Steam Deck Life
steam deck client update

Steam Deck Update: June 3rd, 2022

Here’s what’s in the latest update for the Steam Deck on June 3rd, 2022.

  • Added Game Resolution setting to App Properties, allowing players to override the max display resolution for games, on a a per-game basis
  • Added mouse cursor (using right trackpad) for built-in web browser interactions when connected to an external display
  • Improved default aspect ratio behavior for external monitors – games will now default to 1280×800 for 16:10 external displays and 1280×720 for all other external displays
  • Improved UI performance in game carousels
  • Improved UI performance when connected to an external display
  • Improved controller order when using external gamepads to assign the controller slots by the order of input. This should help with compatibility in games which locked onto the Steam Deck controller.
  • Fixed ‘Enable updated fan control’ toggle not remembering its state across reboots
  • Fixed Bluetooth controllers not working on the lockscreen
  • Fixed some formatting issues on the Steam Deck Chord Summary page
  • Fixed issue preventing deletion of some controller layouts
  • Temporarily disabled adaptive brightness toggle, as it was causing performance and stability issues. Big thanks to the community for catching this weird bug – we’re working on a fix for it now.
  • Fixed issue which was causing slow login for some Steam Decks with multiple user accounts