Steam Deck Life
steam deck custom boot animations

How To Use Custom Boot Animations On The Steam Deck

Reddit user DerpinHerps released a detailed guide on how to install custom boot animations on the Steam Deck. He also included his own custom boot animations he created that includes a Breaking Bad boot, Futurama and the Office.

Download Boot Animations

DerpinHerps custom boot animations Google Drive Download

Reddit page for custom Steam Deck Boot Animations

Replacing The Animation

      1. Download the startup animation of your choice
      2. Rename it to deck_startup.webm
      3. Move it to /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamui/movies to replace the original
      4. Open a terminal within /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamui/movies and run the following command: truncate -s 1840847 deck_startup.webm

Making The Animation Fullscreen

  1. Locate Library.css in the following directory: /home/.local/share/Steam/steamui/css
    and open it in Kwrite.
  2. If a prompt comes up when you open it, make sure you click “Temporarily raise limit
    and reload file” or else the file will remain in Read Only mode.
  3. Towards the end find the line that contains “video{flex-grow:0….” and change it to
    the following: video{flex-grow:1;width:100%; height:100%; z-index:10}
  4. Save changes
  5. Open a terminal within /home/.local/share/Steam/steamui/css and run the following command: truncate -s 38488 library.css


Any time steam has updated since I’ve put a custom startup on, I’ve had to repeat any number of those steps, so don’t be surprised if it gets reverted back to the original. Speaking of the original, Steam will auto install originals of library.css and deck_startup.webm if it detects that something is off so DO NOT SKIP TRUNCATING.