Steam Deck Life

Steam Deck Repo Let’s You Upload And Share Steam Deck Boot Videos

Steam Deck Repo is a site created by waylaidwanderer where you can upload boot videos and share them with others, who can download them directly from the website – no need for Google Drive links! You can preview the videos right on the website and can sort them by the number of downloads and likes as well.

How to Use

  1. Hold the Power button and select Switch to Desktop.
  2. Download and rename the file to deck_startup.webm.
  3. Copy the file to ~/.steam/root/config/uioverrides/movies/ (~ is shorthand for /home/deck).

Things to Note

  • If you’re using Dolphin (the file browser), you need to enable the Show Hidden Files option under the menu button at the top right to see the .steam folder.
  • You will most likely need to create the uioverrides and the movies folders yourself.


There’s now a GUI interface to install boot videos on the Steam Deck using Steam Deck Repo website created by CapitaineJSparrow titled Steam Deck Repo Manager.

There’s a Flatpak version you can install in the Discover store on your Steam Deck in Desktop mode.

steam deck repo manager