Steam Deck Life
trinity fusion steam deck

Trinity Fusion Steam Deck Preview

Trinity Fusion is a fast paced Rogue-Lite action platformer by Angry Mob Games set in dark, sci-fi worlds. The game just released in Steam early access with all the base gameplay mechanics, some of the early story content as well as the unfused version of the game’s biomes.

The full version of the game is set to launch in 12-18 and will include content-complete with the game’s fused biomes, additional levels, full playable story from start to finish and multiple endings.

There are three characters, three universes and each of your parallel selves has their own world with multiple biomes to explore, as well as their own sets of unique abilities and weapons.

Trinity Fusion Steam Deck Performance

The developers constantly tested the game on the Steam Deck through out the development process making sure it was a steady experience on the Steam Deck and they didn’t let us down. When you boot up the game for the first time on the Deck, it will automatically default to their “Steam Deck” graphics preset making the game run at a mostly solid 60fps with a battery life around two hours.

Trinity Fusion Steam Deck Performance

If you’re into rogue-lite games, the mixture of the visuals and the combat system with its weapons & abilities make it a perfect game on the Steam Deck. You can buy it here.

This early access key was provided by