Steam Deck Life
css loader steam deck themes

CSS Loader Lets You Customize The Steam Deck Interface

The CSS Loader Steam Deck plugin allows you to customize the look of the Steam Deck UI such as fonts, colors and so much more.

How To Install CSS Loader

    1. Install Decky Loader
    2. Press the menu button (•••) on the Steam Deck and scroll down to the Decky Loader plugin and click the store icon.
    3. Scroll down and look for CSS Loader install it.

    4. Now go back to the plugin section in the Quick Access Menu. You should now see the CSS Loader plugin added. If you don’t, restart your Steam Deck & it should update
    5. Click on CSS Loader & then click “Manage Themes”
    6. Install the themes of your choice. For my setup I used Round, Obsidian, Centered Home, Fonts, & Colored Toggles
    7. Once you install whatever you choose [its your Steam Deck so theme it as you like] go back into CSS Loader. Click “Reload Themes” & enable the ones you installed & tweak them to your liking