Steam Deck Life

The Ultimate Windows On Steam Deck Guide

If you’re interested in trying Windows on Steam Deck baldsealion put together an amazing written guide detailing all the information and answers necessary to install it on the Steam Deck. Joey’s Retro Handhelds put together a video version, you can watch that above.

The Ultimate Windows On Steam Deck Guide

The guide goes over things such as the recommended OS Windows 11 or Windows 10, which external storage drive you should install Windows on, recommended drivers to install, how to increase the UMA buffer size, Windows OS tweaks to increase performance, installing Steam Deck tools which brings Steam OS features and more to Windows and more quality of life improvements.

You can check out the full written guide here.

SteamDeckAutomatedInstall Script

Someone also created an installation script that automatically installs most of the stuff mentioned in the guide above. You can checkout out that script here.

How To Dualboot SteamOS & Windows on the internal hard drive

How To Install Windows On An External SSD

To boot into your Windows drive, With the Steam Deck shut down, Hold “volume +” and press the power button. Go to Boot Manager and select the Windows OS hard drive.

Windows 11 Debloat